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Dancing The Tree - October 2023, Melbourne Fringe Festival

Branches That Touch The Light

42cm (W) x 29.7cm (H)
Acrylic paint on Reeves 300gsm paper

$ 900.00


Urban Environment Trees
The impact of colour in my work has long been of particular interest. 

In this work on paper, I bring to the viewer a ‘craving’ for colour and the power of complementary hues that heighten the visual experience.

Location: Canterbury Road, Middle Park, nature strip, opposite the Middle Park tram stop and the Middle Park Urban Forest.

Inspired by the young Field Elm tree surrounded by African-Lily plants. The Field Elm is a resilient tree that can grow nearly thirty meters tall. It has high adaptability, a beautiful ornamental appeal and low-maintenance care.

The surrounding African Lily plants produce unique globe-shaped flowers in shades of violet/blue. The flowers bloom in summer. The flowers symbolise beauty, fertility and purity.

31/08/2022 JH Created 

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