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The Artist's Choice

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The Artist's Choice

The Artist's Choice

Rachel Rovay | Artist
Damian Kingsbury
Rachel Rovay takes the viewer on an inspiring journey into the process of creating a portrait painting of Professor Damien Kingsbury.

A short film which focuses on Professor Damien Kingsbury and his Harley. Kingsbury is the subject and sitter for Rovay's first ever shaped cut-out portrait painting. This portrait painting together with this short film are now included in the Deakin University art collection.

At the commencement of the painting of the Damien Kingsbury portrait Rachel Rovay was approached by film producer John Hipwell and his Director Jorike Verlaan to film “a making of” short film.  This process entailed filming at the Rovay studio with sequences including scenes with Damien being drawn, painted and “carved out”.  Also numerous additional shots of Damien on his Harley Davidson, on the footpath outside the ABC studios, at the ABC with Jon Fain, in his Man Shed, at Deakin University and on the road (Mad Max style) were expertly captured to create “The Artist’s Choice”.  The behind the scenes film, including the intriguing Rovay cut-out painting process is a fitting testament to the 2015 Rovay portrait of Kingsbury.