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Works in Progress & Process


Rachel Rovay continues to develop new processes, unique creative techniques and colour theory methodologies.

210303 Max walker x 2

Max Walker Mind Map

Digital Print
Shopping for materials for cut-out paintings

Shopping for materials for cut-out paintings

Shopping for materials, getting to know my sanding pads

Shopping for materials, getting to know my sanding pads

Gesso undercoat drying in the studio

Gesso undercoat drying in the studio

The rougher the under coats the better

The rougher the under coats the better

Geometric underlying structure begins

Geometric underlying structure begins

Geometric underlying structure begins

Geometric underlying structure begins

Ready for the cut-out process.

Ready for the cut-out process.

Clean-up begins.

Clean-up begins.

Attention to edges.

Attention to edges.

Creating textural ambiguity.

Creating textural ambiguity.

Glazes reveal themselves.

Glazes reveal themselves.

Portrait of Mr. Damien Kingsbury, professor of international politics at Deakin University. Commentator for ABC 774 'The world according to Damien'

Portrait of Mr. Damien Kingsbury, ( Detail)

Acrylic paint on paper.