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Road Space, December 2021

Traffic without sound IV (Framed)

95cm (W) x 76cm (H)
Pencil, Charcoal and Conte on Paper

$ 1,500.00


Urban Café Life
In this drawing, I investigate and highlight the relationship between a lone obscured figure in the distance and the spaces we inhabit in our urban environment.

As we in Melbourne blast our way back to life again, the traffic on the roads has been particularly noticeable on our roads.

Traffic just disappeared during the lockdown in early 2020. This drawing reminds us of the quiet we experienced in our urban environment.

The impact of Covid and the rise of working from home gives us all an opportunity to rethink some of our transport requirements and our walk-in spaces.

The title of this work was inspired by the poetry of Tomas Transtromer. His poems capture a sense of mystery and wonder underlying the routine of everyday life. The Swedish poet received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2011. The location: Bay Street Port Melbourne

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